Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Rain

in silence does all of live revolve,
in silence does the mist blinding thickly fall,
in this moment of true worship of nature,
the heavens unknown and time too soon to call,
for nature has no patience of being impatient and she dances ,
as the world desires of her moving palette,
for beauty is borne of her,and she who is the light of all that live.
the blossoms of winter open to the sky,
and the leaves of trees and the grass of earth,
the moist tempted taste of the dew of birth,
for the skies are plain but not of the flowery clouds,
but black as the dim caster of heavenly shadows.
the cold wind that rustles and moans,
of drawing storms the heart of man so often fears,
as the falcon bows before the gale and master.
the sun is forgotten in the bliss of darkness,
for light is but the brightest  witness of the world and life,
and the spirit of mankind does awake in the black,
and no candle burns in this harsh wind of natural cleansing,
the rain falls lightly upon the sand and sea,
the trembles of waves echo deep within the oceans bottom,
and in the break of sudden quiet,the rain falls slowly like a dream.


  1. Great imagery and and intense description. Well done!
    Coffee Table Poetry

  2. The flowing words that deliver vivid images give me a sense of peace and harmony inside the constant rain and flux of Autumn. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  3. Very well done...I enjoyed reading it... it slowly grows up on you... just like as you said in the last line..."Rain fall slowly like dream"

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  4. the spirit of mankind does awake in the black
    ...such a lovely line that I don't understand
    but am seeking too
    thank you for such lines of poetry
    and thank you for visiting my blog
